Ladies Guild
Church of Our Lady of the Assumption
Article I – Name
We shall be known as the Ladies Guild of the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption
Article II – Mission
- The mission of this organization is to provide support to the parish, fellow ministries, and religious staff of Our Lady of the Assumption Church, foster a sense of community among its parishioners, and promote the Catholic faith and the parish’s presence in the greater community.
- The organization shall be under the Patronage of Our Lady of the Assumption.
Article III – Membership
Any woman of the parish interested in carrying out the mission of the organization shall be eligible to be a member.
There shall be two classifications of membership:
- Active – paid members who are active in one or more Guild projects.
- Supporting – paid members who do not wish to be active in Guild projects.
Article IV – Dues
The membership dues shall be payable yearly. The amount will be determined by the Executive Committee prior to the annual membership drive.
Article V – Meetings
- The Board shall hold meetings to conduct the business of the Guild. These meetings are open to the membership of the Guild, unless a closed session is called by the President.
- The time and place of meetings may be designated by the President and/or Executive Committee.
- There shall be an annual meeting which will be held no later than June 30th unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
- At all meetings of the Guild members, nine (9) active members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
- Board members may cast one vote each for the conduct
ionof business. A majority of votes will carry the decision.
Article VI – Board of Directors
- The affairs of the Guild shall be managed by the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall consist of:
- Officers of the Guild,
- Chair-people of the Standing Committees,
- The immediate past Presidents or Co-Presidents of the Guild,
- The Spiritual Director/Advisor.
- The Board of Directors shall hold at least four (4) meetings
aper year for the purpose of transacting the business of the Guild. At such meetings of the Board of Directors, a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. - Any vacancy occurring among the officers, prior to an election shall be filled by the Executive Committee with the approval of the Board of Directors. Such officers shall serve for the unexpired terms of their predecessors.
Any officer who has served half or more of that term shall be considered to have served a full term.
- Notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be given to the Corresponding Secretary.
Article VII – Officers
- The officers of the Guild shall be:
- President or Co-Presidents
- Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents
- Recording Secretary
- Treasurer
President and Vice President positions may be shared by 2 people with one vote for each person.
The positions of President(s) and Treasurer shall be occupied by any elected member provided they are in good standing and have been actively engaged in the Guild for at least one year prior to their term.
- Officers of the Guild shall serve for a term of one (1) year, or until their successors are appointed.
Article VIII – Executive Committee
- There shall be an Executive Committee whose membership shall consist of the President(s), the immediate Past-President(s), the Spiritual Director, the Recording Secretary, the Vice President(s) and the Treasurer.
- The Executive Committee shall exercise all powers of the Board of Directors during the interim between meetings of the Board of Directors.
- All actions of the Executive Committee shall be subject to ratification by the Board of Directors.
Article IX – Committees
- The formation of all Committees will be established and determined by the Executive Committee as needed. Standing Committees shall be defined by the Executive Committee at the beginning of each year.
- A chairperson of a committee will assume responsibilities from July 1st until June 30th of the following year.
- The Executive Committee may appoint special committees as the need arises. A special committee shall automatically be discharged upon the completion of their function.
- Reports reviewing the committee event or function are due at the following Board meeting.
Article X – Elections
- Election of Officers shall be by a majority of Guild members present and voting at the May meeting. The Guild officers elected shall assume duties of office effective July 1st.
Article XI – Funds
- All money collected as a result of fundraising efforts must be documented, accounted for and turned into the Treasurer at the earliest possible date after the event.
- All requests for reimbursement for expenditures must be documented with receipts and turned into the Treasurer at the earliest possible date after the event.
- All other proceeds from all fund raising, other than dues, shall be expended for purposes approved by the Board of Directors of the Guild.
- No funds may be dispersed without approval of executive committee majority.
- When funds allow, there will be Service Awards offered to graduating students belonging to and involved with Our Lady of the Assumption Church. The amount of the award and the recipient(s) will be determined by the Service Award Committee and the Board. Established criteria will be determined by the Service Award Committee with approval of the board. The Service Award Committee will review the applicants and recommend the recipients to the Board for approval.
Article XII – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Guild shall commence July 1st and end June 30th.
Article XIII – Parliamentary Authority
The President-elect shall be the Parliamentarian and Roberts Rules of Order, revised, shall govern the Guild.
The Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Guild by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Notification that amendments are to be considered must be given at the General Meeting preceding the vote or written notification sent to the Membership fourteen (14) days preceding the meeting when amendments will be up for consideration and actions. For these purposes electronic forms of communication, including e-mail shall constitute written notification.
Approved May 2003
Approved March 2017
Approved May 2022